Team Awards

David D. Godfrey (1964-1983) Memorial Scholarship
The Godfrey Scholarship began in 1984 and is awarded to a team member who exhibits the qualities that David had. David died, after his freshman year of college at Syracuse, of a virus that affected his heart. The original award is hanging in the boathouse and covers years 1984-1995. The Friends of Simsbury Crew maintains a certificate of Deposit whose interest proceeds partially fund the scholarship.

Class of 1977 Scholarship
This scholarship was created in 2003 when a gathering was held Thanksgiving weekend during the class' 25th reunion. The class of 1977 gave money for a scholarship that year. The coaches decided to put it towards a plaque and start a yearly scholarship in honor of the class of 1977. The scholarship is funded on a yearly basis by the Friends of Simsbury Crew.

Senior Oarsman
(Fred Emerson Award)
This award goes to a senior member of the boy's team. It is often given to the best rower that year. However there are several criteria that go into the coach's decision about who goes home with the award..

Senior Oarswoman
(Simsbury Girls Crew Outstanding Athlete)
This team award began in 1974 as a way to recognize the team member who over their career has shown great growth. This athlete is often a team leader who may be the best athlete in the senior class.

John Paul Vincent Award
This award is presented to the Most Valuable Freshman Oarsman. It is named in memory of John Paul Vincent. This award is given to a novice boy who contributes the most to the novice team's success that year. The original plaque is hanging in the boathouse next to the girl's locker room door.

Novice Girls Plate
This award usually goes to a novice girl that has gone above and beyond in the way of leadership. The award was started in the early 1990's to honor a novice girl who most contributed to the novice team's success.

Most Improved
The class of 1989 presented the team as a gift the money for the plaque for the Most Improved Male & Female Rowers. First presented in 1989 a new plaque began in 1999. The original hangs on the wall of the workout bay next to the girls' locker-room door.

Exemplary Achievement
This award is given to one boy's and one girl's team member who has done something that stands out that year. It might be a novice making a varsity boat, an older oarsman making a switch of sides to help the boat speed, or someone who struggled through finding their place at the boathouse. The class of 1989 began this award.

Simsbury-Granby Rotary Club Nomination
The Simsbury-Granby Rotarians sponsor a scholarship. Each year all varsity male and female teams at Simsbury High School nominate a team member for the award. The nomination is intended to go to an athlete that is not necessarily the star, but to the one who gives all he or she can and makes the most of the skills they have to help the team succeed.

Captains are chosen from a pool of nominated senior candidates. Annually nominations are taken after the start of the fall season. Juniors and seniors may nominate one senior on their squad (boys/girls). Voting will take place a few weeks later after nominees have had further chances to show their leadership skills.